New Microforms Scanner debuts at Library

By Harold Henkel

Following months of heated anticipation, the Library is proud to announce the installation of its new microfilm reader and scanner.

ST ViewScan III is one of the most advanced microfilm scanners available today and brings the Library’s considerable microforms collections (microfilm, microfiche, and ultrafiche) into the digital era. The machine allows users to crop and save only the sections of a document they want as well as clean up any scratches that may be present on the film. Users have the option to print, email, or save their work to a flash drive.

While the machine will likely get its heaviest use from our InterLibrary Loan department in fulfilling requests for articles on microfilm, all Library researchers are welcome to use it. ViewScan is loaded with several video tutorials to get you started, and the Library staff and student assistants can also assist you.

So if you’ve always wanted to wade into the exciting world of microforms research, your time has come!

Read the original story here.


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