viewscan 4 - the clear choice
3m microfilm scanner
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ViewScan 4 Microfilm Scanner

ST ViewScan 4 for 16mm and 3M Cartridge Microfilm

Whether the information is stored on16mm film and 3M cartridges, the ST ViewScan 4’s design allows you to find and view the information quickly. Today’s competitive business world demand fast answers to questions.  This applies to information contained in your film archives and is why the ViewScan 4 is the ideal replacement for the old Canon or Minolta reader printers. 

ST Imaging. The Clear Choice.

ViewScan 4 Simplifies Scanning for 16mm and 3M Cartridge Microfilm:

Once the image is identified it can be easily captured and shared via standard communications methods such as e-mail, saving to a file server or even out to the cloud.  Regardless of the original film capture magnification, ViewScan 4 can easily capture the image.

If your business has a mixed film environment, you will find the ViewScan 4 system can handle all types of film.  That includes 3M cartridges.  The 3M film option allows you to quickly switch between standard rolls and 3M cartridges with minimal effort.

Just as important as the ability to find the archived information, is the ability to create a high quality image and optionally annotate it with relative information.  The ViewScan 4 gives you extensive editing and image enhancement capabilities to help you restore old film records quickly.  So regardless of the type of film or age, the information can be retrieved.

Scannable Media

  • Microfiche
  • Jackets
  • Aperture Cards
  • 16mm & 35mm Roll Film
  • 16mm Film Cartridges (optional).
  • Magnification(s): 7.5x, 7x-7.5x, 9x-16x, 13x-27x, 20x-50x
  • Scannable media reduction range combined optical and digital 7x to 105x, optical 7x to 30x.

User Testimonials

See what people are saying about ST Imaging scanning products. Are you in love with your ST Imaging ViewScan? We love our happy ViewScan users and would be delighted to hear from you! Drop a comment on our twitter (@st_imaging) or submit a testimonial on our website.
Highly Recommend the ST ViewScan - Lucia Flaim, Kansas Room Librarian
“I highly recommend the ST ViewScan to any institution or organization that routinely uses microfilm and or microfiche.”
I’m in Love! @MissTreen
A bit in love with the LoC’s microfilm machines. You can *crop* and *scan* and *adjust images on a computer screen* and then *save them*.
ST ViewScan is So Easy to Use! - Lucia Flaim, Kansas Room Librarian
“The ST ViewScan makes my job easier and more efficient, true, but the really rewarding thing is seeing patrons adjust so easily and readily to the new reader.”
Everything we always wanted – and more! @HistoryBoots
The Underhill Reading Room’s new microfilm scanner is everything we always wanted – and more!
Maeve Clark – Iowa City Public Library
“This scanner has the tools to enhance images so that you’d never know the film was old.”
Gothenburg Public Library
“It’s a wonderful addition to the library, especially for history buffs.”
I never thought I'd be in love with a microfilm reader/printer!@sithiaditu
We got a viewscan a couple years ago. I never thought I'd be in love with a microfilm reader/printer. I hope you love yours.
Request a Demo Today!

Call us today to arrange for a demonstration of the ST ViewScan 4 system at your facility using your microfiche and see how this valuable archive can be merged into today’s electronic records.

Request a quote from the ST Imaging authorized reseller in your area. Or submit a contact form and someone will be in touch with you soon.